Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Suess

Let me first say that Dr. Suess is not always my cup of tea. I think I have seen the Cat in The Hat movie one too many times thanks to an obsessed eight year old. However, Yertle the Turtle is the exception.
This is another one of those books that I have managed to hold on to since I was very young. My brother, who is now in his 30s and a paramedic, actually wrote a rap on the front cover. That’s a memory I will be cherishing for years to come, and I am a little tempted to post it.
My copy is beat the heck up and very well loved. I’ve read it over and over to my now twelve year old when she was younger, my six year old loves it as well and my three year old is just starting to repeat the rhymes in it to me. It’s one of those books that you read enough that you can just repeat it back.
There are three short stories in Dr. Suess’ signature rhyming style. All the stories are fun, slightly nonsensical (but really quite sensical at the same time) and make my littles giggle every time we read them.
There are three stories written in, Yertle the Turtle (theme greed) and Gertrude McFuzz (theme pride) and The Big Brag (theme vanity). The artwork is that signature Dr. Suess style and all the stories have that underlying good feeling lesson to be learned.
Yertle the Turtle is the one story in the book that we read over and over. I love the back and forth and how logically the turtle thinks. To me, this is a great lesson on how to process and make a decision in a nice way.
Lyrically, Yertle the Turtle is very pleasing to both read and listen too, I am not sure why it is such a standout for me compared to his other stories but we like it the best. What is your favorite Dr. Suess story?
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