Until November by Aurora Rose Reynolds

I reread Until November again and again when I need a light read. It’s not incredibly long, it’s not super emotionally heavy and the novel is wrapped up with a nice bow at the end. There are a lot of books available that fit in this category – insta-love/lust, happy ending, caveman alpha male. This one, however, resonates with me and has become a reliable comfort read that I actually purchase the physical book.
The story centers mainly on November, a girl who transplants herself in a small town to be closer to her dad. Her goal is to escape the harsh realities that she has grown up around in NYC. Her relationship with her dad is one of the things that would generally have me rolling my eyes. Her mom alienated her dad but they magically reconnected right when she needed him. Her and her dad are like the best of best friends with a great relationship of instant honesty, protectiveness and trust. Cute, yes, real life, no.
Moving along, she moves in with dad and starts to meet family members. She begins to settle into her new life doing the bookkeeping for her dad’s business. While at work one day she leaves, and is met by a big ol’ hunk of man named Asher. Asher is drool worthy to look at, has a southern accent and is happy to tell November what to do when. He is insta-love material if I ever read it.
What I like about their developing love is that November has a take no shit attitude. They butt heads multiple times. She draws boundaries but is just naïve enough not to clue in when something weird is happening. I like her and her naivety. I suspect this is because I can identify with this. Sometimes you really have to spell something out for me to get it. Naïve, yes, kind of cute, yes. Good in potentially bad situations? No. Exasperating for those around you, probably yes.
Their love progresses to meetings with siblings and family members. November slowly builds a support system that is almost overwhelming for her, but in all the right ways. There is one scene where there is a holiday and everyone is gathered and fellowshipping together and November starts to tear up with gratitude. This is also something that I am known to do, so again, I think I identify with her on a few levels.
Keep moving through the novel and you’ll be faced with BOOM love (gotta read it to get that reference), some action, a girl swept into a whirlwind romance and a broody alpha male who turns around and his life is forever changed.
I will always love this novel, even though on some levels I find it a little immature. There are a zillion (I am not kidding) more books in the “Until” series but this is the start. I did read all of Asher’s brothers novels as well and will do a review of them at a later date. They all generally follow the same insta-lust to forever kinda love story and none of them stack up the first, at least for me.
Where I get lost is eventually when the grandkids of these characters have books. On one hand I love that the author really committed, on the other, I lost interest after the first few books.
Of the series, and in general, this is the only insta-love/lust novel on my All Time Favorites list. It’s not my usual cup of tea but in this case I liked the tea…..and I drank more of it, several times. Happy reading. Also, please note, this is fairly steamy in some sections. Consider yourself both warned, and advised to read.
Kindle version, click here.
Paperback version, click here.
For more from Aurora Rose Reynolds, click here.