True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle – Avi

Pressure is on, here it is, my first review (queue the dramatic music & spotlight). I thought way too hard about what book to start with. I settled on a book that I have reread time and time again since I read it in middle school: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. For frame of reference this is an older book, published in 1990, my copy is tattered and torn and owned by my mother before me. For shits and giggles I decided to check which edition I have – lo’ and behold it’s a first!
My middle school self reads this much differently than I do as an adult. As an 11 year old this book was filled with adventure, mystery and pain. I was also able to identify with her loneliness and desire to be free. As an adult it’s an ode to feminism and self actualization. It is also just a little bit shocking and slightly unrealistic (Char does a big jump from Victorian superiority to all hands on deck pretty quickly). The books won numerous awards ranging from gaining a Newbury Honor in 1991 to being on the ALA’s Notable Children’s Book list.
Stripped down, the book is about a young girl from an affluent family who is traveling by sea to the United States, alone. You read that right, ALONE, across an ocean, with no escort on a ship of all men, except for Charlotte. See what I mean but just a little shocking? As a preteen it didn’t occur to me the safety issues that I balk at as an adult. Anyways, moving on, Charlotte basically has to put on her big boy pants (both literally and figuratively) and make a way for herself on a grueling journey. The plot has numerous twists and turns and the book is surprisingly well researched and accurate.
I have always struggled with scenes of abuse. It’s a personal issue and by the time I reached adulthood I was well desensitized. However, as a preteen when I read this book there is a scene where a crewmate is whipped significantly that was difficult for me to read. No tears or sleepless nights, but evoked emotions that were uncomfortable for me at that age. In all fairness, I was fairly sheltered throughout my childhood.
All in all, a win and a comfort read for me as an adult. Charlotte has incredible character progression through the novel. The ending leaves me inspired and motivated to know that I am worthy of great things all on my own.
Safe for young readers, great read as an adult. No sex or romance, sprinkle of violence, positive ending.
Purchase here!
For more information on Avi, click here!