A Court of Wings and Ruin – Sarah J. Maas

Okay guys, I put this book down about 4 minutes ago so you are getting the really fresh thoughts on this one.
For my reviews on the previous books in the series click here.
There was a lot to this book. There are different plot points playing out and a lot of new supporting characters who all hold their own quite well. I am happy to say that I enjoyed this book as much as I have the previous two. The further I get through the series the more I am convinced that I will be purchasing the hardcover box set that I have been eyeing. (Click here if you want to take a look at it).
As the third installment in the series we are well familiar with the characters and this book is chock full of awesome character progression, one of my favorite things. This book varies more from the other ones in that there is so much more action. Seriously, this is action packed and for me it was a lot of high emotions and then calm, like, several times. Also, way less steamy moments than in the second installment, they are there but few and far between. I will say that the ones that were in there were……effective.
What I am really enjoying about the series is how “in it” we are with the characters. Maas is an excellent storyteller, her language is varied and doesn’t seem abundantly repetitive. I have found when there is a longer series like this you get a feel for the author’s language and many times you can predict where things will be going. Not so here.
This is a bumpy ride with many highs, lows and all the in-between. The second novel really evoked a lot of emotions for me. However, the third pulled out a few tears in the last 10 chapters or so which I can’t recall happening for some time. The feelings that I was entrenched with were visceral and real. I loved it.
I really noted a shift from Feyre to the other female supporting characters, Elain and Nesta both have important roles in this novel. I am pretty sure this is in an effort to lay the groundwork for future novels but Maas may surprise me. In a sense this novel is wrapping up Feyre’s novels from what I can gather. She really does “peak.” Feyre embraces who she is, supports others and the light doesn’t solely focus on her in the novel.
This book is really the culmination of the previous two novels – Tamlin is present along with Lucien and some other supporting characters whose presence were pretty light in book two. We also deal with ALL of the other courts, their supporting characters and many events that have been left open get tied up by the end.
Awesome novel, I would encourage you to read it if you have already read the previous two. I do not think you could read this as a stand alone at this point. I will be continuing on to book four shortly so stay tuned.
To read the Kindle novel, click here.
For the paperback novel, click here.
For the hardcover box set, click here. (Mine is in route – woo hoo!)