A Court of Thorn and Roses – Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Thorns and Roses is the first novel in a four part series by Sara J. Mass. This is a high fantasy novel with a slow burn romance brewing in the background. This novel is lush with beautiful imagery and an intricate and well thought caste system of fae, human and other fantasy creatures.
I have read through many reviews and I believe the common factor that doesn’t work for some readers is how slow the novel moves. However, this is one of the things I love about it. When an author takes care to build a world so different from our own, with beautiful and detailed descriptions and imagery, I am in heaven. Maas absolutely accomplishes that level of depth in what is now commonly known as ACOTR.
The main characters, Tamlin and Feyre are from two different worlds. They are bound together by a curse that one of them is wholly unaware of for much of the novel. As readers we are privy to Feyre’s point of view and go on a journey of self exploration.
Feyre’s main storyline is one brought on by a freedom that she never before considered possible. She is rewarded with this freedom by harming Tamlin (super general, I don’t want to give away important plot lines). Feyre’s character progression is carefully built and flows well, she is engaging and edgy. Once you hit a certain point things really begin to take off quickly. You dive deep into intense game of quick thinking and it’s pretty action packed.
There is only one of the novel that felt a little stilted to me. Tamlin direct Feyre to leave his land for her own safety. Throughout the novel she follows her gut and I find it hard to believe that this wouldn’t have been a red flag moment for her. Overall this was a small point of contention and though I understood it’s function in the plot line I just wish it had more meat to it.
The romance factor is done really well. It is built slowly and isn’t rushed and pushed on you. There is a significant twist written into the plot line relating to the characters’ romance and definite foreshadowing in the latter half of the book for future plot lines. What was written in was well done with a slow build up that seems to take both characters by surprise.
This novel is rich in character progression, imagery and at building many avenues for future parts in the series to pick up on. Maas did this in a way that leaves some plot lines open to development while still being able to end this installment in a clean way. Cliffhangers are not my thing. I am really please with how she tied the novel out. ACOTR covered a lot of ground in one novel, it was well thought out, emotional, and had several surprise twists (can you say Rhys?). Since I will be delving right into the next novel, keep a look out for my next review to be posted!
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To purchase the hardcover box set, click here!
For more from Sarah J. Maas click here!